Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Speedlinking 12/19/06

This morning's image of the "Elephant's Trunk," from Space.com:

~ Waterbury Rules: People, Program Design, and Titles,
~ Diabetes control maintained with exercise training. The next thing you know they'll be claiming bears sh!t in the woods.
~ Holidays can lead to stress-eating -- again with the bear in the woods thing. CNN concurs: Holiday stress pushes women to comfort eating.
~ Popular supplement doesn't help hot flashes -study -- Black cohosh fails the test.
~ Cutting back on cigarettes may not cut risks -- you gotta quit to benefit.
~ Eating slower reduces appetite.
~ The Science of Orgasms. Why wasn't this book written long ago?

~ 9-11 memories more vivid for those close to scene -- seems PTSD might increase with proximity to the stresser?
~ The woman who thinks like a cow. This is a video featuring Temple Grandin, whose Autism helps her understand the cows she's working with.
~ Music In the Mind: Is Pitch Represented On a Mental Line?
~ Young Adults Opting out of ADHD Treatment -- unless it is debilitating, I think this is good.
~ Got The Holiday Blues? Mental Health Expert Offers Tips For A Happier Holiday Season.
~ Staying Together With Kids -- Relationships Benefit When New Parents Get Help. "The birth of a first child is usually an exciting and eagerly anticipated milestone in any committed relationship, yet research suggests it can also be the beginning of the end for many couples."
~ Tonglen and Social Anxiety.

~ Talk in Class Turns to God, Setting Off Public Debate on Rights. David Paszkiewicz "told his sixth-period students at Kearny High School that evolution and the Big Bang were not scientific, that dinosaurs were aboard Noah’s ark, and that only Christians had a place in heaven, according to audio recordings made by a student . . . ."
~ Americans Watch Nearly 5 Hours of TV Every Day -- that's a lot, isn't it?
~ New Poll: Hillary Over McCain (The Nation) -- This is a switch from the summer: "Hillary beats John McCain 50 to 43 percent, squeaks by Rudy Giuliani 48 to 47 percent and trounces Mitt Romney, 58 to 32 percent. Her presumptive rival, Barack Obama, narrowly loses to McCain and Giuliani but thumps Romney as well, 55 to 25 percent."
~ Q&A: Evangelicals Push D.C. on Environment.
~ From Beliefnet: Our 2006 Most Inspiring Winners -- "The Amish community of Nickel Mines, Pa., victimized by a horrendous school shooting, forgave their children's killer and reached out to his widow. " They were my choice.

~ Pot is called biggest cash crop. "The $35-billion market value of U.S.-grown cannabis tops that of such heartland staples as corn and hay, a marijuana activist says."
~ Clash Over Canyon Near Death Valley.
~ EPA Library Shutdown May Lead to Showdown.
~ Animals Dream in Pictures, Too.
~ Grand Canyon's Glass Walkway to Open Next March -- that thing just looks scary.
~ 95% of our grid electricity from wind at market prices near fossil fuels?
~ Inuit climate petition against U.S. is rejected -- Is climate change a human-rights issue? It is when it's your backyard that is melting away.

~ From Integral World, an old review of Visser's book: Hanegraaff on Wilber.
~ Jordan Gruber on Wilber -- this is from October, but only those who saw Jordan's newsletter have seen it until now.
~ From Alan Kazlev at Open Integral: From Ignorance to a larger Integral Wholeness, Power, and Truth.
~ From Zaadz: Blurring Fact and Fiction: Telling Stories about I-I.

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